Private Trainings
Rather work one on one? Check out our options for private trainings below!
No shows will not receive a rescheduled session.
*Due to No Call No Shows we will now be requiring a $25 deposit to hold a training session*
In- Home Training
Have a trainer come out to your home to work one on one with your dog. Sessions are one hour long. Contact us to see if you are within our traveling distance. $155.00 + tax
Private Train at ABC
Come to our facility for a private one on one obedience session with a trainer. Sessions are one hour long. $80.00 + tax
Reactivity Private Train at ABC
Does your dog bark/lunge at other dogs or people? Come to our facility for a private one on one reactivity session with a trainer.
Sessions are one hour long. $90.00 + tax
Reactivity Private Train on Location
Does your dog bark/lunge at other dogs or people? Meet us at a nearby park or your home for a private one on one reactivity session with a trainer.
Sessions are one hour long. $100.00 + tax
Aggression Train In home
Have a trainer come out to your home to work one on one with your dog to show you how to manage aggressive behaviors. Sessions are one hour long. Contact us to see if you are within our traveling distance. $200.00 + tax
Train with a Canine Behavior Consultant
Video Consult
1 hour video consult with a CCPDT-KA trainer and certified canine behavior consultant. Share your concerns and questions in this information gathering session.
Training while in daycare
Your dog will be pulled in from daycare by our canine behavior consultant and will work on any behaviors you want covered. These must be scheduled 1 week in advance. $50 +tax
Private Train at ABC
Come to our facility for a private one on one obedience session with a canine behavior consultant. Sessions are one hour long. $120.00 + tax
In Home Training
Have a canine behavior consultant come out to your home to work one on one with your dog. Sessions are one hour long. Contact us to see if you are within our traveling distance. $200.00 + tax